

As far back as he can remember Tim has had a pencil in his hand, as a teenager filling his school books with sketches of his favourite cartoon characters, comic characters and anything he could imagine to draw until the pages were filled and those sketches spilled out on to his desk, usually landing him in detention which ironically gave him more time to draw. At the age of 16 a friend asked him to design her first tattoo , he agreed on one condition, he would go with her when she got it tattooed. As he sat there entranced as his design was being etched into skin for the first time, he was hooked, he knew that he needed to discover everything he could about this incredible and mysterious craft.

Tim almost immediately left school to take on any and every job he could so he could make enough money to get his hands on whatever tattoo books and magazines he could find, saving whatever was left to go towards that next tattoo appointment and art supplies. Any and all free time was spent drawing and painting, slowly building up his portfolio to take with him with him to every tattoo appointment for the inevitably brutal feedback and critiques, and in the slim hope of gaining that ever illusive apprenticeship. Eventually this persistence paid off and after several rejections and many, many drawings later, finally someone was willing to give him a shot.

For the next 4 years Tim spent his apprenticeship in a walk-in street shop, fetching coffees, cleaning, talking with customers and drawing as much as he could fit in a day. All of this gave him the opportunity to learn and develop in all different styles of tattooing that he now takes aspects from to incorporate into his own unique style. Utilising clean, solid line work and combining it with heavy black work to give his tattoos a dark, illustrative and even gritty feel to them, while still focusing on making a clean, solid tattoo that will age well and look incredible for years to come.
